he gaming group has been experimenting a bit with adopting the Kill Team rules for some Space Hulk play. A classic game the group veterans love. This is inspired by Games Workshop's original article dealing with this challenge.
Today isn't going to be about this though, as we will have to do some playtesting first. But eventually I plan to put up our ruleset here. Instead I've focused on getting some teams going for the playtest, so once again I have been having a bit of a painting session.
Although tests will be for Terminator Squads at first, the plan is also to have this work for other Kill Team squads, as long as we can keep the model count under 8 for a squad, and hopefully do some 3 player sessions with one Genestealer player, and two players with one squad each cooperating.
So first off we have the Team of Rogue Traders:
Next up a team of Grey Knight Terminators:
Then we have a Ultramarines Terminator Squad:
I didn't really paint genestealers in this sessions, as I kinda of already have them painted up.. not to my usual standard though, as they where painted long time ago. But we do plan to try and introduce the Genestealer Hybrids from Space Hulk: Genestealer. And luckily Games Workshop recently released some very cool Hybrid miniatures.