Wednesday, January 20, 2016

WFRP Table: Literature in the Old World

As promised, here is the next update of WFRP v1 content on the blog. Since this article was reffered to in the Sylvania WFRP adventure posted recently, I thought I'd better get it up here as soon as possible.

This article is basically a huge random table to generate literature from a library or study on the spot, during your gaming sessions. Originally the article had an assortment of random handouts, I've dropped that idea, I believe most GMs would use their own flavored handouts.

Literature in the Old World (PDF)

Literature in the Old World (Scribd)

The table makes a reference to Eric Oppen's old article with 6 forbidden books of the Warhammer world. If you wish to use these, the article is available here:

Forbidden Books in WFRP

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